Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who'da Thunk It, Huh?

A tip of the Bouffant chapeau to Johnny Angel's Facebook page (At least one of our "friends" there is vaguely politically aware. Otherwise, by & large a waste, but really, what isn't?) which led us to more about the latest All-Amerikan spree-killer, George Sodini. More that the liberal bias Northeastern elitist media seem to have forgotten/ignored.
The diary focuses on his problems with women and other worries, but also has some comments about the "liberal media," the "Obama economy" -- and it opens with remarks about last fall's election, the election of "The Black Man" and jokes about black men and white women. All left out of the AP excerpts and nearly everywhere else. Here is the full diary.
The NYT also ignores the rightie stuff, but what does one need to know beyond this?
In his online journal, which has since been taken off the Internet, Mr. Sodini, a programmer-analyst at a local law firm, said that he had not had a girlfriend since 1984 and that he had not had sex since July 1990, when he was 29.
Surprise, surprise! A programmer-analyst. At a law firm. Who could've seen that coming? And you can't tell us he hadn't had sex since 1990. He just hadn't had it w/ anyone but himself.

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