Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Voting Is Theft

Crazy comes in every color.
Oh yeah (added later) if you give a flying fuck, where it came from.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Stupid fux.

I don't want to pay for that damn war in Irackeystan...and the thing about that is the shrub lied us into it.

But now we try to have a health care system like civilized countries do, and they get all lord of the flies on us.

M. Bouffant said...

Cog. Diss. Ed. Types:

We'd bet most of these glibtards were against the foreign entanglements, if they were being true to their alleged ideologies, but just didn't feel strongly enough about it to strap on their gats & make a big fuss about it. Imagine.

But, as you say, threaten them w/ the horror of Islamo-Kenyan health care & it's Annie Get Your Gun!

(We have a certain amount of suspicion of this item. The YouTube channel this comes from: Real or ...? Although this could be prejudice on our part; we can't believe anything competently produced is legitimate wingnuttery.)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Real, or memorex?

(I hope you're not having dinner or anything.)

M. Bouffant said...

"What Next?" Editor Gasps:

But Memorex© is real!

Yas, almost used that too, but non-embeddable vids = no link from this powerhouse of aggregation!

Dinner? Just finished lunch, since you mentioned it.