Monday, August 17, 2009

Political Bedfellows

Taitz & Huckabee/Sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G/Etc.
We see what's behind Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., & her campaign to run the President out of office: Zio-fascism.
Taitz says that the money given to Hamas, which "has declared war on Israel and the United States," will not be used to help the people of the Gaza Strip but rather to build Qassam rockets, posing a serious threat to the State of Israel. She believes Obama poses a threat to Israel not only because of his support of radical Islamic groups such as Hamas, but also because of his "radical socialist" policies, that will bring the United States to "totalitarianism and Stalinism." According to Taitz, these policies "pose a threat to all democracies, not only Israel."
Clinical Symptoms
When asked if her reception has been more positive in Israel, the polyglot Taitz (she speaks English, Russian, Hebrew, Romanian, and Spanish) said in both the United States and Israel she has been met by widespread support, albeit most of it expressed privately. "I think the vast majority of the population [in Israel] is supportive. There are some leftists, and some people in the media who are pro-Obama, but even they in private will say they're with me."
Shorter: "I know very important people (their names would amaze you) & they all agree w/ me privately, but the media/political correctness/vast conspiratorial forces keep them from going public." It's in the DSM. Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee tills the same soil.
According to Haaretz, Huckabee is joined on this trip by "prominent Jewish and Republican activists from the United States" and "is also planning to visit the Jewish section of Hebron, Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, and Ma'aleh Adumim, the largest settlement in the West Bank." One of Huckabee's traveling companions, New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, says the purpose of the foreign trip is "to shine the spotlight on Obama's policy in Jerusalem, which has just been a horror."
Any Sunday now, we expect sermons proclaiming that the President is keeping Jesus from starting Armageddon, so somebody better do something.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

When asked if her reception has been more positive in Israel, the polyglot Taitz (she speaks English, Russian, Hebrew, Romanian, and Spanish)...

What's the word for 'just plain nutz' in many languages?

M. Bouffant said...

Cheap Shot Editor Sez:

American? Amerikanski? Yankee Pig-Dog?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Texas Republican!

M. Bouffant said...

Texas Editor Assets:

Democrats down there in Cloud Cuckoo Land aren't always much better.