Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Have The Right To Free Speech, As Long As You're Not Dumb Enough To Actually Try It!

Fascist Cops: What Part Of The First Amendment Don't They Understand?
"That's why I hate the police," Tuma said. He told the Huffington Post that in a loud sing-song voice, he then chanted, "I hate the police, I hate the police." One officer reacted strongly to Tuma's song. "Hey! Hey! Who do you think you're talking to?" Tuma recalled the officer shouting as he strode across an intersection to where Tuma was standing. "Who do you think you are to think you can talk to a police officer like that?" the police officer said, according to Luke Platzer, 30, one of Tuma's companions. Tuma said he responded, "It is not illegal to say I hate the police. It's not illegal to express my opinion walking down the street." According to Tuma and Platzer, the officer pushed Tuma against an electric utility box, continuing to ask who he thought he was and to say he couldn't talk to police like that. "I didn't curse," Tuma said. "I asked, am I being arrested? Why am I being arrested?" Within minutes, the officer had cuffed Tuma. The charge: disorderly conduct -- just like Gates, who was arrested after police responded to a report of a possible break-in at his home and Gates protested their ensuing behavior.
Fascist laws for a fascist nation. Note well that when we type "Free Speech Isn't Free," we kid you not!

Know Your Rights Lyrics

This is a public service announcement With guitar! Know your rights, all three of them! Number 1: You have the right not to be killed Murder is a CRIME! Unless it was done by a Policeman or aristocrat...
full lyrics

more lyrics

WAGE-SLAVE WARNING: Clicking "full lyrics" leads to uncontrollable music. And just for the hell of it, here's the visual:


Substance McGravitas said...

If only the pigs had been cool.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I love that song.

Appropriate pick.

M. Bouffant said...

Good Taste In Music Editor Informs:

Chill out, coppers!!

In our obsessive way, we wanted to be sure we had the lyrics right, which, in the random world of cyber-nowhere, led to the actionext box & the thought that it would be a pointless but flashy addition to the un-imaged item. Next thing you know ...

Also: One of our faves too, & best cut on Combat Rock, damning w/ faint praise-stylee.