Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Palin Never Stops

From the full Moon desert of The Washington Times an "EXCLUSIVE" from Alaska's gift that keeps on giving. And other Hallmark card sentiment, you betcha.
"I'm not ruling out anything - it is the way I have lived my life from the youngest age," she said. "Let me peek out there and see if there's an open door somewhere. And if there's even a little crack of light, I'll hope to plow through it."
Is it vitriol & hatred to point out the banality of such statements? Are we being ... elitist, if that's what laughing at stupid, immature people is? (Well, people who are stupider & less mature than we, which may not be saying so much.) At whom is one to laugh, then, intelligent sophisticates who know whereof they speak & make coherent points? Ha. Sure. Not to mention the visual, if not physical, humor of giving interviews while pretending to be fishing in waders, or as turkeys are slaughtered in the background.
Having been dismissive & condescending, in our élitist way, we must turn our attention from the "funny" to the not-so-damn funny. Laugh all you want (& no one w/ the mental capacity needed for a sense of humor can help himself) but the nitwit fence-sitting independents may spook at any moment, depending on whatever unpredictable (or inevitable, we just don't know exactly when they'll happen) events occur, the state of the economy, you name it.
At the very beginning of Gov. Palin's non-stop wk.+ of attention, one of the few reasoned or comprehensible things she announced was her intention to support candidates who agreed w/ her two planks (note lack of kulturkampf) of energy independence ("Drill, baby, drill! And if I can grift us some change outta that, cool!") & national security ("Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran! And missile defense bases all over Alaska to make it easier for us to secede."). Candidates, she added, of either party, or independents. Our hope was that she might split the already shaky Goofy Old Party; her announcement did nothing to heal any of the fissures (some of them caused by Gov. Palin herself) in the party, & now she's even more polarizing w/in the party as the lines are drawn between the pseudo-intellectual, Northeastern, coastal, party elite & the bitter old clingers who are drawn to her mavericky-ness like disoriented moths confusing a dim bulb w/ a sun.
The governor, 45, said she shared former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's view that Republicans, now trailing Democrats and independents in registration in many states, should back moderate to conservative Democrats in congressional districts and states where Republicans stand almost no chance of winning. The object would be to build a majority coalition that reflects what polls suggest is the center-right tilt of the U.S. electorate as a whole.
Oh boy. She's stealing from the Idea Man again. (Unless he's writing her script.) This could blow up in their faces; the poll figures cited in the "EXCLUSIVE" indicate 55% of ordinarily indecisive independents want her to go away, & we doubt that the nation is as "center-right" as it tells pollsters it is.
We can't imagine any but the bluest of Blue-Dog Democrats (Actually, we can't imagine any, but there may be one or two wacky enough.) taking her up on her kind offer, & the only independents would have to be gold standard, Ron Paul types.
What Palin stumping the swamps & backwoods of her base & her fellow driller/bomber politicians does to or for the GOP is anybody's guess, partly because no one really knows how far the politics of resentment can pump up the base, or even along what lines any split might occur. Right-wing extremist paranoids & libertarian/business interests? A new, even more explicitly Xian than the current party on one side & all the non-culture warriors lumped together in something else? So many of their conspiracy theories & fears overlap & interweave it may be harder to split them than one might think. Enemy of my enemy & all that.
So we can draw no real conclusions from the not-so funny. Let's just peep at the other funny stuff, so we can all leave feeling good, or at least feeling that we're all smarter & better than Palin.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Palin said the state needs a new ethics policy after another ethics complaint was filed against her. The new complaint, filed Friday with the state personnel board, claims Mrs. Palin has been paid for media interviews, according to the Associated Press.
A shame that the governor's job in Alaska makes no allowance for the Gov. to effect change in the state's laws & policies. We can see how the sheer frustration must have forced her to quit. She just had to plow through that door.
"The only saving grace in this recent episode is that it proves beyond any doubt the significance of the problem Alaska faces in the 'new normal' of political discourse," she said in a release that was posted online through her Twitter account. "I hope this will be a wake-up call - to legislators, to commentators and to citizens generally - that we need a much more civil and respectful dialogue that focuses on the best interests of the state, rather than the petty resentments of a few."
"Shut up & stop menacing the state. You think you have rights? Think again, lib." They're always shutting her up, & "filtering" her, & looking down their nose at her, but an ethics complaint? That's a petty resentment. She really can tweet out of both sides of her keyboard, can't she?
We mentioned yesterday (Was it? Truly, who knows or cares?) that as no scandal or indictment had appeared after a wk., Gov. Palin's breathy demeanor while copping out probably indicated that the decision to announce the resignation had just been made, to take advantage of a wknd. that would have been left to the ghouls picking over the corpse of the King of Pop & Jesus Juice. Nothing said here would indicate that they didn't suddenly decide to grab some headlines.
In her interview with The Times, Mrs. Palin denied reports that the decision to resign had been made hastily with little notice to her family or staff. "We had been contemplating this for months, so I didn't surprise my family or the people around me," she said, glancing at her top aide, Kris Perry, who was seated across the room from the governor during the interview. Ms. Perry smiled and nodded emphatically.
The closing is inane, but just the sort of thing we were expecting from The Rev. Moon Times.
Even dealing with the political maelstrom she unleashed, Mrs. Palin flashed the down-home, personal touch that even critics say helped her forge an extraordinary bond with supporters on the campaign trail. When a photographer prepared to take pictures of the interview, Mrs. Palin, wearing open-toed shoes, said laughingly, "Don't get my toes in the picture - they are green on the bottom." Indeed they were. She said the marks were grass stains from mowing her lawn the previous day.
She's such a snowbilly she mows the lawn barefoot? And can't take a shower the next day before going to work & interviews? Even money says one of the children has to mow the lawn, except days when mommy has interviews. Unless they're too busy taking care of the youngest Palin for Family Values Mom.
Or, you could see what an adult thinks about the whole mess. Also.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Be careful, or Bob Somerby may be forced to scold you.

M. Bouffant said...

Free Publicity Editor Replies:

"Bring it on!"

Righteous Bubba said...

You are getting sneaky with the rollovers.

M. Bouffant said...

Stealth Editor Responds:

Have been all along. Obsessively, even. Forgot to do one for "The Washington Times," though.

"Sneak" is our (legal) middle name. Or "Shithead." Well, we think it starts w/ an "S".