Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Annals Of Nationalization Ennui/Malaise

Editor's note: John Feehery worked as a staffer for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other Republicans in Congress. He is president of Feehery Group, a Washington-based advocacy firm that has represented clients including the News Corp., Ford Motor Co. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He formerly was a government relations executive vice president for the Motion Picture Association of America.
Isn't the dictionary definition of Mr. Feehery's vocation pandering? We know it isn't pimping, because Feehery's "clients" are the pimps, & he's the whore, unless the Members of Congress he "persuades" are the actual whores, in which case he'd be the John (Too obvious?) & the corporate interests he represents would be Satan personified, & the ... (Stop already. You'll hurt yourself.)
Democrats are now making plans to intervene in the health care marketplace, with some liberals insisting on a government-run "public option" health insurer.
The "health care marketplace" was doing so well at serving consumer demand, just as GM & Chrysler, to which Feehery made obligatory reference, were, there was certainly no reason for anyone to intervene.
(This is what makes straining to type tolerable. Sometimes one is forced to think about something, & gains just enough insight to keep the urge to end it all w/ a spree killing under control. The flash here being: Do these nitwits think we're still in an agrarian economy, & all economic activity can be reduced to nothing more complicated than a pair of yokels swapping turnips for a pig? That would certainly explain much of the "marketplace" blather typed across the cyber-universe, & their fixation that markets solve everything. Another of those deals where free-market fans don't realize which side of the curve they're on. Or don't recognize/admit there is a curve that need to be taken into account. Or that health care care isn't rutabagas & barnyard animals.)
We have no idea what we're up to at this point, due to having been rudely awakened before getting our full eight hours in the arms of Morpheus (as mentioned below) general malaise, a stomach virus-caused malaise, or all three, & we see no point in making the same old point, at this point, so be satisfied that John Feehery thinks like he looks (In the box. Brand, baby, brand.) & offers no suggestions at all about "rebranding," merely this.
Most Americans still don't use the metric system, and most certainly don't stick to the 55 mile an hour speed limit on the highways of America.
Because, ha ha, the Democratic Congress & Jimmy Carter passed/signed bills about the metric system & driving 55. So there, libs!! (You'd have to read the whole thing. Don't.)
And while they may still like Barack Obama and still laugh at jokes written by Al Franken, they will eventually grow weary of the newly dominant liberals who now run Washington.
That's it. That was the last paragraph. A lot of nothing there, for something relatively short. We'll be charitable & give poor John a D- rather than an F, as he didn't dredge up the kulturkampf, but we suppose that's his idea of rebranding. Shutting up w/ that stuff is a good move by the forces of evil & badness, but not necessarily good for us on the side of light & justice.
Back to earth, the eternal question. Aspirin & sleep, or coffee & aspirin?

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