Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Which Came First, Lunacy Or Jeezis?

A man in Minnesota drove his car ("non-violently," of course) into a St. Paul Planned Parenthood clinic in January. Now, the state of Minn. wants him to be committed to the acorn academy. We can't imagine why the state thinks there's something a bit off about this Prisoner of Christ. There have only been two other attempts to get him some serious help/committed.
His family is opposing the current commitment, saying Derosia was only doing the Lord’s work. In an email to the Minnesota Independent on Sunday, Derosia’s mother Georjean, came to his defense. “[It is] the state of Minnesota’s intention to LOCK UP my son for a non-violent protest against Planned Parenthood for THE REST OF HIS LIFE!!!”
Now you know who types all those CAPS-HEAVY!1!! e-mails your goofy relatives forward to you: People w/ all the genes for delusional schizophrenia. 
The police report noted that after running a vehicle into the front of the clinic, Derosia was “holding a crucifix and shouting various Bible verses.” He “refused to respond to police and continued to recite Bible verses and shout, ‘Close down the Auschwitz Death Camp.’” He also told police that “he felt what he did was right and he would do it again if he were told to that he would do it again.”
Most enjoyable here is the belief that abortion is murder, but propelling several thousand pounds of metal, plastic, rubber & gasoline into a bldg. is a "non-violent protest."
“Brian Gibson, why did you condemn Matthew Derosia who only drive [sic] a van into a babykilling facility, yet accept women who actually murder their own children by abortion and have the blood of their own children on their hands?,” he wrote in an email to Gibson that’s posted on Spitz’s website. “What is more important to the LORD Jesus Christ, to save babies about to be murdered in a babykilling abortion mill or the facade of that babykilling abortion mill? To you it is the facade of the babykilling abortion mill that needs protecting and not the babies being murdered.”
Or "only drove a van into a babykilling facility." Be sure to send some money to Mr. Non-Violent's mother, Georjean, so she can keep this warrior of gawd on the streets until gawd lets him know it's time to start the real killing.


Righteous Bubba said...

What is more important to the LORD Jesus Christ, to save babies about to be murdered in a babykilling abortion mill or the facade of that babykilling abortion mill?

I think the babies get to go to heaven before the contemplate drunkenness and sex, so heck, Jeezis, let's kill 'em all.

M. Bouffant said...

Religiosity Editor Responds:
We just don't understand why they don't kill themselves to get to heaven sooner.