Friday, May 1, 2009

Waiting For TiVo*

Time marches on, & all we do is wait. And wait. Reason to live beyond DSL (item immediately below) was, according to the FedEx tracking site, due by 1630 today. Have already had to change the date for the Time-Warner Cable contractor from today until tomorrow because the fucking set sat in the FedEx "local facility" all yesterday (it wasn't "scheduled for delivery"). Just what was that $79.99  we paid for "three-day shipping" really for? Four-day shipping, it looks like.
So we consulted the FedEx tracking thing, which indicated that the tee vee had been on the truck since 0804 today. When it got close to 1900 & we re-checked, it was revealed that the package was at the local FedEx facility as of 1834. 
A 'phone call revealed there'd been "trouble w/ the truck, or driver, or something" & our happiness should be here by 2130.  If the fucking thing has been damaged by being bounced around in a truck all day, or if the driver was drunk & ran the truck over a cliff & they show up w/ a less than perfect set, we can guarantee you that earthquakes & race riots will be the least of Southern California's concerns, as the skies will blacken w/ the smoke of FedEx facilities from the desert to the sea, & from S. D. to S.B.
How much emotional damage can we claim from being denied the chance to watch the Dodger game tonight?
*No, we aren't getting TiVo. We can operate DVD & VHS recorders w/o any trouble, unlike most AmeriKKKans. But we thought the play on play-title was worth it.

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