Wednesday, May 27, 2009

These People Live Among Us

Yomamma swiveld into office due to a moment of weariness and confusion amoungst the faithful, his true identity obscured by the fog of war, a war fought at home and abroad, against two infidel enemy. Even a rightous American can succumb to the rigors and chaos of the battlefield and sink down for a moment, disoriented. But presently, if he has the true grit that is the defining feature of all real Americans—as I assure, that he does—he will regain his senses, feel brother rifle waiting patiently in his hands, and haul himself up. And when that happens, Rightous Americans everywhere will take hold of the domestic body politic and give it a mighty shake, and the infidels clinging to it’s once lusterous pelt will be routed. Then, my illeterate friend (in two languages no less), burdened no more by the blood suckng parasites inherent in a democracy, he will be free to turn his full attention to the infidels of the Levant. Woe unto abdullo and abdulla when that time comes. And woe unto the ticks and fleas that worry at God’s hand on the wheel as he guides—through his anointed agents—the course of this great country. — cw · May 24, 01:54 AM · #
There's more (This one appears spell-checked — no, wrong again.):
Exactly. Ours is a sacred undertaking. We transport this holy flame through these dark times, passing it from cupped hand to cupped hand, sheltering it from the spittle spewing lips of the Friedersdorks and the Salamis of this world as they blather on about how our sacred creed needs “updating”. The nerve, the ignorance, the affront! It would be humerous if it wasn’t so presumptuous. It’s as if a gaggle of San Francisco decorators decended apon our saviors holy seplicure proposing a makeover. Do they not realize that eternal values are eternal? Do they not comprehend what we are trying to CONSERVE here? Those who would tart up Conservativism are nothing but weak souled pant-wetters, cowed by a moment of adversity. Their “big tent” is nothing more than an ad hoc strip show held in an abandonded quanset hut, a pathetic, musky jiggling designed to attract corrupted spirits and weak minds. Well, Conservativism is at heart a state of character and their weak mindedness precludes the Friedersdorks and Salamis from membership in the very brotherhood they seek to reform. This storm we pass through was sent by providence to weed out the unsound. We will emerge on the dark side of this storm a tempered blade of diamond purity, a fearsome weapon fitted to the hand of our Lord and his fearsome purpose. — cw · May 24, 11:17 PM · #

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