Monday, April 13, 2009

Low Hanging Fruit Edition

As this month's Friday the 13th arrives on a Monday, let's examine something very frightening indeed. We are treated to a nice long description of the symptoms of nausea, leading us to:
For the past several decades, it is clear that the Left has suffered from this malady — this chronic unrelenting nausea — that seems only to be relieved by their periodic explosions of verbal vomit. What is making them so sick? What exactly can't they stomach? In a word, America!
The word typist Joan Swirsky wants is "AmeriKKKa." At least she could get that right when she's typing her verbal vomit. 
Why do Leftists behave like this? Why do they condemn and insult and apologize for our great nation to foreigners who have always envied and resented us? Because they hate us too! These are the ingrates who don't deserve the privilege of having been being born in America — and I wish they hadn't been! What I wish is that they'd been born in Communist Russia or Cuba, in Socialist Venezuela or Europe, or in Jihad-Central Saudi Arabia or Syria, where they'd have fit right in to the totalitarian regimes they unfailingly glamorize. But the unlucky citizens of our country are stuck with this bash-America crowd and with their jihad against our exquisite Constitution, our envy-of-the world free-market capitalist system, our bountiful generosity, and the foundation of morality and lawfulness — based on Judeo-Christian ethics — that has guided our nation for over 230 years.
We think the nausea will start soon. Sometimes all it takes is the slightest whiff of an "ungrateful Frogs" rant.
Is he ashamed at our arrogance in winning back the entire European continent one square inch at a time beginning at Normandy?
Yeah, one square inch at a time (Not one of those sissy square millimeters they use over there, either, just good square American inches.) is exactly how Patton & his Third Army single-handedly won back the entire European continent, driving every last Nazi east over the Urals, where Chiang Kai-shek was waiting for them. That does sound a bit arrogant, doesn't it? It may be due to a "startling ignorance of American history."
As Obama was lavishing praise on the Europeans and betraying his startling ignorance of American history, best-selling author and radio-host Mark Levin was reminding his listeners that Europe has indeed led the world — in Colonialism, Imperialism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism — movements that were all born in Europe and metastasized from there like the cancers they are.
Don't forget the Euro-cancer of democracy. It's as we've said since forever: White people are the root of all evil in the world. (Does this mean the lamp beside the Golden Door is no longer lit for Euro-immigration? Hard to reconcile w/ the boilerplate "Better Englishmen than Zulus immigrating here.")
No, no, he can't be appeasing the pantywaists too, can he? The shame, the humiliation. And, and, look at the guy the pirates are holding hostage!! Look! Look!
At the same time, African Muslim terrorists took three Frenchmen hostage. In short order, the French fought back fiercely and rescued them. Dan Friedman, a frequent commentator on the political scene, said: "when the French show you up, you've sunk very low. When you're outsmarted and outmaneuvered by a band of illiterate savages, you've neared rock bottom. When four kids with rotting teeth who've never seen a flush toilet can stop you in your tracks, you're foundering. When your sophisticated Navy and your will to use it is defeated by your own Commander-in-Chief's naiveté and cringing self-doubt, your country is up a creek without a paddle." In perfect keeping with President Obama's abject pandering to the Muslim world and his by-now-proven "style" of appeasement and capitulation (read North Korea, Iran and Captain Phillips), what have we heard from him? On day one of the crisis: "We're talking about housing, guys," he shot back at a journalist who dared question him about the Somali terrorist attack and Captain Phillips' plight. On day two: Silence. On day three: Deafening silence. On day four: Thundering silence. Responding quickly to their new ally in the White House, Somali Muslim terrorists promptly hijacked an American-owned, 16-crew-member tugboat in the Gulf of Aden. President Obama's response: "Absent." As editor Charlotte Baker says; "In less than 90 days, President Obama has pushed America back to the malaise of the Carter days — hostages and all."
Now, how'd all that work out again? Keep your fucking mouth shut & carry a big stick, rather than pose, posture & attack the wrong country? Can't get much more American than that. We must apologize for calling anyone a "pirate," when of course everyone knows they are alternately "African Muslim terrorists" or "Somali Muslim terrorists." Our mistake, & we sincerely regret it.
We're certainly happy that the situation worked out well for our side, because of what would have happened, had there been any "appeasement."
James Lewis writes that, "Jimmy and Zbig (Brezenski) have been trying to explain their disastrous ignorance ever since and because they are mentally stuck in appeasement they have infected the Obamanites with the same bacilli. If Obama fails to take action, watch for Russia to make a move on the Ukraine. China will get more aggressive toward Taiwan. Iran will openly throw sandals at Obama effigies, and the rest of the world will realize — uh oh, no more cop on the international beat. North Korea will launch another missile over Japan...another satellite launch will somehow go astray, heading toward Hawaii...welcome to the age of American weakness."
Holy crap, one or two more days of waiting, or what if they'd paid off the "marine terrorists?" It literally would have been the end of Western Civ, per these clowns. (Also holy crap: We're quoting a delusional paranoid who mostly quotes other delusional paranoids. The race to the bottom is speeding up.) 
Which seems more likely, that conservatism is a mental illness, or that liberal/progressivism is? The above typing is just about clinical for deluded behavior. Even actual cases (Must've been a few) of so-called Bush Derangement Syndrome didn't come near this level of hysteria.
Bush was committing the crimes he was accused of. And stole the fucking 2000 election. But elected Obama is some sort of usurper when he puts his small "d," democratic majority approved policies in place. These people are working from their deepest fears, which have apparently been the same since the first Red Scares of WWI. The Nazis, & sort of pretending to be afraid of them (when not actively supporting them) were a distraction during WWII, but after America won that one all by its lonesome, & there weren't enough Nazis left to obsess over, it was right back to fear of a red planet. And now, twenty yrs. since the Berlin Wall was knocked down, their fears have come to fruition, as the conflation of Marxism, Muhammadanism & Negritude has combined in a perfect paranoid storm, just thirty or forty yrs. late, to bury us like Khrushchev said they would.
We'll be opening a pool on when the first not-entirely-un-serious suggestion that B. O. is a tool of those little gray dudes that crashed at Roswell will be made. Six mos., anyone?

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