Saturday, April 11, 2009

Emptiness Somewhat Filled

Few phrases are sweeter to the lazy but compelled web log proprietor's eye than "Log entries will be light for some time to come." (Often a relief for readers as well.)Today's excuse is that every material object (they fill the bed of a medium-sized pick-up truck) left in the possession of this typist has been been humped from a friend's black widow-infested garage (No web thanks to her, as she claims never to read this or anyone else's typing, so why bother?) & piled on the pseudo-gentrified 70 yr.-old darkly stained hardwood floor. (Have we mentioned that before? We're trying to look at the positive aspects of existing where POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! — five rounds, or could've been M-80s or Seal Testers, we weren't about to investigate — went off in what sounded like the lobby — mere feet away, could have been in the street — of our our new digs about 0340 today.) 
Meaning nostalgia sorting through the crap, & killing any potential spiders. Could be a while. We're obsessively precise, if "precise" means slow. Mix w/ this dial-up business (not exactly whipping the muse into whipping us into a frenzy, if you follow) long unheard music, & the glass teat itselfto while away the agony of existence, & there's little likelihood of reading anything new or interesting from here (Don't say it!) for a while, barring of course "live-blogging" any typical SoCal natural disaster as long as the battery on the presses here holds out.
On the third-world attaché case as we type: The Best of Sonny Rollins The Blue Note Years. Extra special thanks to long-time friend/creative associate Mr. Peabody for invaluable material assistance in humping garbage bags full of T-shirts & the like. (Including renting that medium-sized pick-up & driving it to hell & back, Audie Murphy-stylee, mon!) Big ups, as the kewl colored kidz say!

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