Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Plus Ça Change, Plus C'est Stupefiant

A web site, supported by advertisers such as Bank of America, some bullshit car insurance pricing service, Lockheed Martin & Honda (so you know what their slant on info is) provides us w/ a memo written in 1993. You know, the "How did we blow it this time?" letter that the thinkers on the right send around every time the financial machinations & free-market bullshit of the corporate drones & bag men put the nation's economy in the toilet & the righter wing of the two-party system out of power again. 
In 1993, William "Most Consistently Wrong Person In A Profession That Would (You'd Think) Require As Much Accuracy As Possible" Kristol, just off his gig as Dan Quayle's Chief-of-Staff,was either given the assignment to write the post mortem by his shadowy superiors in the vast rabid weasel conspiracy, or his colossal ego took it upon him (Thinking Holy crap, I'd better do something quick or I'm only known to history as Dan Quayle's Chief-of-Staff, Mom & Dad notwithstanding.) to crank it out. 
And though we very sincerely intend to read the whole thing later, from the link above (if there's no actual audience, we may as well use this "web log" as a large folder filled w/ favorites & bookmarks) but just in case neither we nor you do, we'll grab a bit of what the guy who found & read it had to say.
Fifteen years later, of course, political conditions are dramatically different. Polls show the public broadly supports a far more activist role for government and backs Obama’s plans to expand the federal government’s role in a way not seen in decades. And it’s conservative ideas that are in retreat. Yet the GOP is pursuing roughly the same strategy today that it did then.
We can only add that maybe we should stop mentioning the right's disconnection from the reality of the rest of the world. It is not beyond imagining that one of the great minds of the right may not have his or her (being liberal here) fingers in his or her ears, may not be repeating: "La-la-la-la-la-la, I can't hear you!" & might actually hear someone say that the party is over because a less & less significant group is buying the party line. Slim chance, sure, & even slimmer the chance that this might sink in & a serious response to their many problems would be formulated. 
The chance they'll eventually convince themselves that the vast majority of Americans have somehow become traitors to the (imaginary) parts of the Constitution that say this is a Judeo-Xian, capitalist country is much higher. Elitists, all of us.


Larry Harmon said...

What do you mean, Bouff? I read your blog every day!

M. Bouffant said...

Circulation Editor Replies:

Oooops. Well, one or two down, several hundred million English-speakers to go.

How about "actual, & statistically significant" audience?

M. Bouffant said...

Added from the Circ Ed:

Consider yourself lucky. It could be you & maybe five other e-mail addresses (totaling 12-13 humanoids max.) getting this crap blasted to y'all on an hourly basis. This way you can pretend there is choice & free will.