Monday, March 9, 2009

Crunchy Con Digs Hole, Buries Self

The amazingly offensive (yet easily offended) Rod Dreher blathers his way into people questioning his very sanity, morality & sense of decency. He's fully acclimated to/expects small town murder, but Holy Crap!! There's a "decadent teenage culture" in a small Texas town, where "real" AmeriKKKans live. Shock! Horror!!
UPDATE.2: Reading the comments, what on earth is wrong with some of you? I'm not saying bisexuals killed that family. Good grief. It's obvious that the murderers include the daughter and her boyfriend. The bisexuality thing was a mere aside that I found more startling than the murders, given the small-town culture where this crime took place. I freely admit that I am out of touch with teenage culture today. If you're bound and determined to conclude that I think bisexuality is worse than murder, you're completely wrong, and you're willfully misreading my post for whatever reason. At least understand what you're doing, and the bad faith in which you're doing it. A pastor was shot dead in his pulpit today in Illinois. That appalls me. It doesn't shock me. This kind of thing happens these days. Sad but true. You don't hear every day about a tiny Texas town whose teenagers are engaged in a culture of bisexuality. At least I don't.
Turns out Randy Andy Sullivan linked to Randy Rod, & stirred up a hornet's nest in the comments. Don't those two know better than to discuss sex, murder & religion in public?

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