Sunday, March 1, 2009

"The Conservative Movement Has Been The Victim Of Nearly Two Decades Of Serial Gang Rape By The Republican Party And Its Leadership"*

"Conservatives" in the behavioral sink begin to chew both their own & each other's tails off.
But rather than writing an action report with a long “to-do” list for fellow conservatives, I feel like writing an obituary for the conservative movement would be more appropriate.
Oh, how sad. Not that this is necessarily a reasoned anything. Per Mr. Poole:
If there is hope for conservatives in the future — an issue in doubt if CPAC really is representative of the movement — the spirit that animates the conservative blogger community will be critical to helping emerge from the political wilderness. That said, however, those of us inhabiting the official bloggers row, sponsored this year by Pajamas Media, are clearly considered the red-headed stepchildren by CPAC’s organizers. The best evidence for this was that bloggers row was situated at the back corner of the exhibit hall (which doubles as the first floor of the hotel’s parking garage).
Ooooooh. Dissed by his fellow travelers. Once the functional literacy rate w/in the conservative movement improves a bit, they may devote more resources to "bloggers." But until the conservatives learn to take their orders from blogs, the "movement" will be relying on pre-literate forms of communication: AM squawk radio. (Maybe they could get some talking drums going & save a little money. As the imaginary money created on the backs of working people blows away into the wind it came from, you can bet the rich fucks who finance all this crap are going to be thinking twice about wasting their personal fortunes. "Every man for himself" being a prime ideology over there, we certainly hope the dedicated web loggers aren't expecting to see more money from their patrons.) Let's see if Poole gets beyond the personal affront dealt him & can deal w/ actual issues.
This year’s CPAC was the largest on record. It was encouraging to see the large herds of students moving throughout the hotel. Unfortunately, the constant theme those students heard during this year’s CPAC was that the proper role of the conservative movement is as cheerleader for the GOP. I must strongly dissent. Ever since George H.W. Bush violated his no new taxes pledge and announced the appointment of David Souter to the Supreme Court, the conservative movement has been the victim of nearly two decades of serial gang rape by the Republican Party and its leadership (George H.W. Bush, Trent Lott, Bob Dole, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert, George W. Bush, et al.).
Maybe the students moved in herds as protection from the packs of predatory pervs (Newt Gingrich being the most obvious) lurking in the hotel. Or maybe Poole meant "flocks" of students, as in sheep. And just where are the conservatives supposed to take their cheerleading, anyway? Perhaps an all-new War on Terror Party. Or the "OMFG We Are Terrorized Party. Because the movement that Poole wants doesn't care about the actual terror situation, the global econo-financial melt-down, but instead wants to live in fear of the vast hordes of Muzzies waiting to slit his throat, & the lie-burr-uls who (allegedly) want to return the Fairness Doctrine & squash free hate speech.
That the conservative movement has slid into complete irrelevancy was demonstrated by the absence of any ideas — nay, any discussion whatsoever — of several of the most pressing political issues of our day. As fellow blogger Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugged observed, there was not a single panel on the War on Terror, the growing threats to free speech, or the cultural jihad underway in the West.
That the conservative movement has slid into complete irrelevancy is best demonstrated by his remarking on Pamela Geller's observation. If she's "relevant" to anything, the con movement is several strata below "complete irrelevancy."
Honestly, I don’t know much about Geert Wilders’ politics. I only met the man briefly, and I heard his stump speech twice on Friday. But anyone who has a stack of fatwas calling for his death because of his willingness to speak out against the global jihad is going to receive my support, regardless of any politically incorrect view he may or may not hold.
The self-appointed imaginary enemy of my imaginary enemy is my real friend, no matter what he says, does or supports. And that must be quite a "stump speech" if PP heard it twice & still doesn't know much about Wilders' politics. More likely he that he didn't want to share any of Wilders' more offensive politics. 
And no, he wasn't able to get beyond the personal affronts. Mr. Poole is "an anti-terrorism consultant to law enforcement and the military." So it's personal when CPAC doesn't wallow in terror-fear & help his "anti-terrorism" consultancy. 
Naturally, he closes on a note of optimism, whether or not his personal income sources were well represented.
But I am of the opinion that the real situation is not quite as dire. There is a growing discontent among the grassroots as seen in the recent Tea Party events popping up around the country.
Sure, grassroots activism. "Teabagging." What a spontaneous uprising. As recently exposed here. St. Nick on a stick, these people & their authoritarian, receive-only minds couldn't get a grass-roots movement going if they had a movement on their lawn!
*Remember "Country First?" The "serial gang rape" committed on the conservative movement worries him. Damage done to This Great Nation of Ours™? that's nothing. What's important is what a bad time the "conservative movement" has had for nearly two decades. Whiny victims, every last one of them.

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