Thursday, January 8, 2009

Civility Sucks

Via Tengrain (We fucking hate bread that tastes like wood!) at Depenable Renegade, a long one on why it's perfectly alright to be a hateful little shit. Not that we need anyone's fucking permission.
Similarly, snark, irony’s brat, flourishes in an age of doublespeak and idiocy that’s too rarely called out elsewhere. Snark is not a honk of blasé detachment; it’s a clarion call of frustrated outrage.
There. Totally justified. Again, not that we give a shit about approval. Really.


Anonymous said...


Nice to have you on our side...



M. Bouffant said...

Hate-Mongering Editor Rsponds:

No, no, thank you!!

We're always on the side of righteousness.