Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bush Farewell Update: "Good" & "Evil" Bullshit Re Redux

Just fucking die, you piece of crap. Can you speak, or read, or memorize, or whatever it is you do, anything that is not the most stupid, mawkish platitudinous crap? 
Will it take the Jaws of Life to extract your head from its comfy hiding place? Even when the shit is wiped from your eyes, will you see anything? 
Prick. Drunken loser. You are beneath the contempt of good people. And our contempt as well. 
Wishing you a painful, misery-filled retirement, in every aspect of your should-not-be-allowed-to-continue existence.
P. S.: The Decider no longer has the "guts" to take on the "evil" of any sovereign nation that is not  threatening us this time. But he still has four more days in which to destroy the world in a fit of pique. Our sphincter remains clenched.


Glennis said...

I love the fact that his Big Speech was totally knocked off the headlines by the plane ditching into the river in NY.

As a parent whose (grown) child is going to be flying into NYC from England in a couple of days, I admit that I experienced a totally irrational frisson of fear when I first saw the headlines. But it turns out to be a pretty amazing story - what a wonderful thing, this skilled pilot safely maneuvering the plane and keeping all passengers alive.

Fuck you, George Bush. Great that you get kicked out of Top News Position by a REAL Hero.

M. Bouffant said...

Agreeable Editor Says:
