Monday, December 15, 2008

My Face! It Won't Move!!

The woman who made that face once too often links to local yokel Steve Lopez' column about a poor deluded Mormon whose life has been absolutely ruined because she followed her cult-like church's instructions to assist in denying basic rights to some of our citizens.
Proud of yourselves, haters? Maybe we should look at the facts. 
And Christoffersen, who has taken a voluntary leave of absence, is wondering whether she'll ever again be able to work at the restaurant, which opened in 1931 (at 1st and La Brea) and is owned by her 92-year-old mother.
Oh, she's been financially ruined then. We see. 
She never advertised her politics or religion in the restaurant, but last month her donation showed up on lists of "for" and "against" donors. And El Coyote became a target.
You mean she's a hypocrite? Isn't "money is speech" a favorite claim of the right? So what's the big deal? She essentially said "Queers fuck off," & now she & mom have to pay for it. Issues of fairness are raised:
Should Apple be boycotted by Yes on 8 people, he asked, simply because the computer company donated $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign?
And why the fuck not? Most of the pro-Eight forces are unlikely to be educated, or computer owners (let alone Mac creeps) so a boycott of Apple might not have much effect, but no one is stopping anyone who'd like to cut Steve Jobs down a peg or two. It's free market capitalism at its finest. Vote w/ your dollars.
On a personal note, we note that the food there sucks. Or as Lopez sez:
El Coyote has never been known for gourmet cuisine.
No shit. A restaurant that puts peas on a tostada is screwed in the first place, but canned peas? Urrp! Fucking Mormons.


Anonymous said...

Let's not forget, after all, who started this sort of bs in the first place. They didn't even have the class to just shine the light on their opponents, either. They used threats to try to drum up donations.

Skeevebags. Hark! Is that the world's smallest violin I hear? I seem to remember the lyric saying something about "turnabout" and "fair play".

Larry Harmon said...

So I can't eat at El Coyote anymore because it's a hotbed of Prop 8 Mormonism? Where oh where will I get my huevos rancheros?

M. Bouffant said...

From the Religion & Hatred Editor:

Uh, we think that's between an individual & his conscience.

There's gotta be someplace closer to your bunker that probably offers better food as well.