Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chaos & Misery from the Keyboard of Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg, as every wk., testifies:
After all, we adopt healthy habits and strong principles because we trust that they will minimize chaos and misery in our lives.
Oh ho. "Strong principles [read: pathologically inflexible & rigid, esp. about the insignificant] minimize chaos & misery." It's steeply downhill from there, of course, but he wraps the piece up w/ the very lines we'd picked as awful enough to copy, paste & never mention again.
By all means let the nation do what it must to keep the downward dip as short and shallow as possible. But let's not, in a quest for security, abandon good habits and forget the hard-learned lessons that have given us so much.
Um, yes. And while these "principles," "habits" & "hard-learned lessons" may (or may not) have given us much, what have they given us lately? More to the point, what the hell are the old, tried, traditional ways costing all the rubesinvestors, & the poor saps who'd expected to retire in the first quarter of this century? And what is wrong w/ a quest for security? That's all these nimrods want to talk about when the "What the fuck is George W. Bush good for?" question arises, the "no attacks since that big one that was totally Clinton's fault, see, he's not a complete fuck-up" response, but for some reason it's immoral not to want the financial well-being that you've worked for like a fucking dog for XX yrs. be stolen from you by a sociopathic asshole w/ an M. B. A.

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