Sunday, August 17, 2008

Campaign Bullshit: Saddleback

The presumptive Big Party nominees answered questions from another two-bit book-writin' religious hustler last night, at his zillion-member mega church somewhere south of the Orange Curtain. We didn't see it, we don't care, but the rumor is that John Sidney McCain III (he's the one who isn't an elitist, remember) was totally scripted, i. e., had all the questions in advance & managed to memorize his answers. Sen. Obama probably had all the questions too, but he's not as stiff as a board. In the New Hope For Modern Man category, the necktie for men may just (finally) be on the way out, judging from these pix.
Photo above: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Photo below: Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times
Look at McCain w/ the shitty Vegas comedian bit. Surprised he wasn't using his thumbs as the hammers on his pistol. Does anyone believe that rictus of a smile? Not to mention fat boy in the middle. Didn't Jeezis feed the poor or something? Or is the Eleventh Commandment "Thou shalt stuff your already fat face w/ the profits from your bogus self-help book passed off as a religious work?" We can't tell anymore. Meanwhile, stealth Moooslim Obama plays grab-ass w/ Rick (plenty to grab there, heh-heh) & gives the Nazi salute, indicating to his followers that soon we'll all be worshipping Marx (no, sadly not Groucho) & Chairman Mao will be the baby Jeezis in the New World Order.

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