Monday, March 3, 2008

Annals of "Religion"

Here's a surprise! The Dianetics/Scientology scam that talentless hack sci-fi typist L. Ron Hitler invented as a result of a $50.00 bet w/ some of the guys in his sci-fi authors club was plagiarized, much like that other "most American" of "religions," The Scam of Jesus Hussein Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormon/American values: Strictly enforced tithing (if you don't tithe, you can't get into the secret temple & have an official Mormon marriage, etc.) Telling the faithful they're in the "last days " & should have two yrs. of canned goods & other supplies in their pantries, then selling the faithful said goodies through the church. Scientology/American values: Charging an arm & a leg for the "sacrament" (E-metering) which conveniently also reveals hidden secrets of the person seeking to be "clear" (or an "Operating Thetan") allowing the "Church" to exercise even more control over the marks. At least the Catholics don't actually charge for Confession & Communion. The Popes got their money the old-fashioned way, they stole as much gold & art as they could, or in the U. S. use the tax dodge to keep all the profits on their real estate holdings & the like.. Brought to our attention by boingboing.

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