Monday, July 9, 2007

Fuck Every One Of Them: Nixon, Ford, Reagan, & Both The Bush Boys!! (Not Much Sympathy For Carter & Clinton, Either, But...)

From the front page of the local fishwrapper, cage-liner, etc.; a good idea of what absolute shits Richard Milhous Nixon & his admirers were/are:
Venturing into that room, visitors learned that Watergate, which provoked a constitutional crisis and became an enduring byword for abuses of executive power, was really a "coup" engineered by Nixon enemies. The exhibit accused Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein — without evidence — of "offering bribes" to further their famous coverage.

There's more:

"Everybody who visited it, who knew the first thing about history, thought it was a joke," one Nixon scholar, David Greenberg, said of the Watergate gallery. "You didn't know whether to laugh or cry."

Here's a surprise: One of Tricky Dick Nixon's biggest fans is this pathetic fuck:

Yet from the start, the library had trouble being taken seriously. Its first director, Hugh Hewitt, announced that researchers deemed unfriendly would be banned from the archives, singling out the Washington Post's Bob Woodward as a candidate for exclusion. Scholars cried foul; Hewitt revoked the plan.

What a fucking joke Mr. Hewitt is. Yet not funny in the least.

In 1974, Congress mandated that his White House materials be kept in the Washington area, amid fears that Watergate-related documents would be destroyed.

Yes, it was believed that the Nix's pals would destroy history to cover his pathetic pseudo-Quaker ass.

Instead, coward Gerald R. Ford pardoned Nixon, setting the precedent that no matter what crimes a president (or vice-president) commits against the constitution or the American people (& people from many other nations as well) the only impeachable offenses are personal/sexual offenses. And fuckhead Ford provided employment to such parasitic scum as current vice-president (non-executive branch) Richard Cheney and torture queen Donald Rumsfeld, who, after somehow becoming corporate muckety-mucks when their party was out of power, returned to Washington to continue screwing America when the second Bush was selected by the Supreme Court to be Shitheel-in-Chief. Not to mention the senile suckwad Reagan, who permitted Iran-Contra and other criminal activities, then he &/or the first Bush pardoned many of those involved, freeing them to participate in the current regime's attempts to undermine the constitution. Remember Nixon's line: "If the president does it, it's not illegal." Wrong, wrong, wrong. If we can't impeach these deeply, seriously disturbed psychological basket-cases, Just Another Blog™ can only hope they will be tried as the vicious, violent criminals that they are once they've left office. (As a deeply, seriously disturbed blog, Just Another Blog™ can perhaps entertain the concept that these people need only to be committed to a mental institution for the remainder of their natural lives, to prevent further harm to themselves or others. Though Just Another Blog™ suspects the Bush & Cheney children are beyond any help anyway, & we're not too sure about the nation's psychological health either.)

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