Saturday, June 23, 2007

Local "Slasher" Action

Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ has decided to add even more crap to the already unspeakably busy & garish mess it's running here: a local blog roll. We call it "Friends, Acquaintances, Neighbors." (Look to the right, cretins.) Only one actual friend on it, as Just Another Blog™ is bitterly anti-social, & just one acquaintance, but they're all neighbors. Locals Only!! While looking through others' blogrolls for local stuff we came across this neat bit of information. Having lived w/in the very area mapped for approx. half the 30+ yrs. we've been in this benighted hell-hole, we were aware of the "slash" from actual street level, not from satellite reconnaissance. (Though we have GoogleEarthed it.) And now we know we aren't the only ones to have noticed.


Anonymous said...

Fortuna Co: Chaos, Disorder and Confusion

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Response:

Very nice, "Jorge Soros," but about 350 days late & a few million brain cells short.

While is not uninteresting, Fortuna Co. is "Blog Not Found" by everyone's friends @ Bugger™, a subsidiary of Google™.

Anonymous said...

Jorge here.

the proper link is:

Fortuna Co: Chaos, Disorder, and Confusion

Nice follow up, btw. Bugger indeed.

M. Bouffant said...

The Editor Speaks:

The link you provided goes to "" & returns "The page cannot be displayed." We then tried it w/ "blogspot" instead of "blogger," that leads us to Fortuna Co., some goofy site composed of HTML, advertising, & semi-illiterate New Age crap.

Do us all a fovor, "Soros," & just bugger™ off.

P. S. Why the hell do you post your comments on a yr. old item?