Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dep't. of Irony

Military gear is hap-nin' 'cuz it's cheap, surplus/recycled, & always ironic when sported by a wanna-be draft dodger. (Just Another Blog, for example.)

Therefore, this may be an interesting item.


Larry Harmon said...

Did you see the new Army uniforms that are going to be in use by I think it was 2011? They are phasing out the green and going back to blue, fer chrissake! I mean, what is this, the Indian Wars? Wait a minnit.... fighting a foe that uses guerilla tactics... fades into the background when confronted openly.... outsmarts the US Army with its wiliness... I guess it is! Injun country, here they come!

M. Bouffant said...

Herr Editor replies:
No, I've not seen the new unis. Weird enough when the visored hat was phased out for the red beret.
We're in Ft. Apache, and there's no Rin-Tin-Tin to save the day!