Thursday, May 3, 2007

Awake Again

Back at the keyboard again. Today's Big Story on MSNBC (the demon spawn of Microsoft & General Electric)? The first (18 months 'til the election, what's taken them so long?) so-called debate 'twixt Republican candidates. Only problem? IT'S NOT A DEBATE, YOU CRETINS, IT'S A PRESS CONFERENCE WITH TOO MANY QUESTIONEES & NOT ENOUGH QUESTIONERS! A "debate" would be the establishment of a proposition (as in: "Resolved: Republicans are Authoritarians Whose Only Desire Is To Make You Suffer While They & Their Cronies Profit From Said Suffering Both Financially & Psychologically, Because They're A Collection of Twisted, Greedy Pin-Dicks" [just as an example, I'm not saying this is true]) and the arguing of the proposition among the candidates, as opposed to what we're going to get: 10 creeps being tossed softball questions about their hair-helmets and/or comb-overs by a motley collection of sycophants who've been bought & paid for by the corporations who dominate what passes for public (but at least it's "civil") discourse in this, The Greatest Nation-State on the Face of This Planet. Oh, wait, these are Republican candidates, we can't impugn their masculinity with hair-do questions, we'll instead establish their supreme macho credentials by asking how many animals they've each killed with their bare hands, or, in a pinch, their concealed pistols. There is always the hope that someone has fueled the Air Force One they're using as a prop for their Q&A (ooooh, what a big fuselage!) the engines will start turning over and the whole collection of ninnies will melt like The Wicked Witch of the West, but hope, like faith & optimism, is just a simpler word for equine excrement. (Note to my audience: That means horseshit.)

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